What is probate, when is it needed and what is involved?
Probate is the word normally used to describe the legal and financial processes involved in dealing with the property, money and possessions, known as assets, of a person who has died.
Before the next of kin or Executor named in the Will can claim, transfer, sell or distribute any of the deceased's assets they may have to apply for Probate.
When Probate has been granted through a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration the next of kin or Executor can start to deal with the deceased’s assets in accordance with their Will.
When is probate needed?
Probate is usually needed in England or Wales when:
Do I need probate if there is a will?
The need for probate doesn't depend on whether there's a will, it depends on the financial position of the deceased. The process is very similar regardless of whether there's a will or not, but some of the terminology is different.
If there is a will and probate is needed then the executor needs apply for a grant of probate. If there is no will, then the administrator will need to apply for a grant of letters of administration.
Do I need probate if my husband/wife/civil partner dies?
It depends on how the assets were owned. Many couples own their home as joint tenants and have joint bank accounts, meaning probate wouldn't be required. But probate could be needed for any large assets owned in the deceased's sole name, or a property owned as tenants in common.
What is involved with obtaining a Grant of Probate?
How can we help?
Our experienced
Wills and Probate team are able to deal with all aspects of obtaining a Grant of Probate, dealing with the Tax, Legal, and administrative affairs. We will work with the executors to get the estate wound up and distributed to beneficiaries as efficiently as possible.